


时间:2024-03-11 00:26:28

Dogecoin(DOGE) 币价,图表,市值以及其他指标 | CoinMarketCap

coin(DOGE) 币价,图表,市值以及其他指标 | CoinMarketCap加密货币: 2.2M+交易所: 723市值: $2.62T0.84%24小时交易量: $104.93B9.44%占有率: 比特币: 52.1% 以太币: 17.9% ETH Gas费: 70 Gwei Fear & Greed: 89/100加密货币加密货币排名分类全球走势图历史记录Bitcoin ETFsLeaderboards热门最近添加领涨和领跌访问最多NFTNFT 总体统计数据热门收藏品即将进行的销售活动On Chain DataDEX 交易对Chain Ranking热门 DEX 交易对交易所现货衍生品DEX社区动态TopicsLives文章产品PRODUCTS转换器CMC LabsTelegram Bot广告Crypto API网站小组件CAMPAIGNSAirdrops钻石奖励学习和赚取CALENDARSICO日历活动日历学习新闻AcademyResearch视频词汇表减半倒计时:37天自选列表投资组合搜索/Dogecoin 价格 DOGE¥1.24  0.14% (1天)Dogecoin兑换为CNY的图表Loading Data请耐心等待,我们正在加载图表数据 加入自选列表 Dogecoin统计数据市值 0.13%¥177,805,965,610#9交易量(24小时) 24.27%¥24,274,077,051#7交易量/市值(24小时) 13.65%流通供应量 143,411,296,384 DOGE总供应量 143,411,296,384 DOGE最大供应量 ∞完全稀释的市值 ¥177,805,965,610合约BNB Smart Chain (BEP20): 0xba2a...744c43 官方链接网站白皮书GitHub社交媒体TwitterReddit聊天室评分  ·  基于2家机构的评分4.4   Audits  Fairyproof网络信息区块链浏览器支持的钱包UCID74  DOGE兑换为CNY的转换器DOGECNY价格表现24小时 最低价¥1.21最高价¥1.33历史高点May 08, 2021 (3 years ago)¥5.30-76.61%历史低点May 07, 2015 (9 years ago)¥0.0006142+201763.51%查看历史数据热门程度加入自选列表的次数1,838,630x71st / 9.0K标签MineablePoWScrypt显示全部更多信息您是该项目的所有者吗? 更新代币信息 Loading Data请耐心等待,我们正在加载图表数据 Dogecoin community          Dogecoin markets全部CEXDEX现货永续合约期货所有交易对Loading data...Show full width免责声明:本页面可能包含联署营销链接。如果您访问任何此类联署营销链接,并且在这些联署营销平台上进行如注册或交易等操作,CoinMarketCap 将可获得报酬。请参阅《联署营销信息披露》。Dogecoin新闻                    关于Dogecoin什么是狗狗币?狗狗币(DOGE)的名称源于网络流行语“DOGE”,它的logo上有一只柴犬。这一开源型数字货币由美国俄勒冈州波特兰市的比利·马库斯(Billy Markus)和澳大利亚悉尼市的杰克逊·帕尔默(Jackson Palmer)共同创造,并在2013年12月由莱特币中派生出来。狗狗币的创始人们将其设定为一种轻松有趣的虚拟货币,希望它能吸引比特币核心受众之外的更多用户,毕竟它的形象来源于在网上超火的表情包"doge"。Telsa公司的CEO埃隆·马斯克曾数次发推说狗狗币是他的最爱。如何进行狗狗币挖矿?狗狗币与采用工作量证明协议的比特币相比有着诸多不同,比如狗狗币采用的是Srypt算法。这种山寨币的出块时间也是1分钟,但总供应量没有上限,这意味着的可开采的狗狗币是没有数量限制的。用户可以独立挖矿,也可以加入矿池合作挖矿。用户可以在Windows、Mac和Linux系统上用GPU进行挖矿。而从2014年起,用户用同样的方法也可以使挖到莱特币,因为两种币的挖矿流程被合并了。狗狗币有哪些用途?狗狗币主要被用于在Reddit和Twitter上打赏有创意、高质量的内容。人们可以通过加入使用数字货币的社区或从狗狗币水龙头网站来获取狗狗币。水龙头网站会免费给新用户一小笔狗狗币来帮助用户在狗狗币社区里进行互动。如何购买狗狗币?您可以在任意支持该加密货币的交易所进行交易,购买的狗狗币可以储存在交易所或者钱包中。您可以在支持狗狗币的社区使用它进行打赏。点击交易对标签,获取有关狗狗币的最新交易对和交易所名单。狗狗币简介          Dogecoin分析加载中…Popular Tokens on the Dogechain(EVM) ChainDoge Eat DogeOMNOM¥0.00000039156.66%Wrapped WDOGEWWDOGE¥1.262.79%dogiDOGI¥28.851.20%最常浏览的加密货币CatgirlCATGIRL¥0.00000000773837.53%TABOO TOKENTABOO¥0.0214419.04%EggdogEGG¥0.0668511.71%RichQUACK.comQUACK¥0.0000000103415.44%OpSecOPSEC¥15.3817.23%MAGATRUMP¥57.6412.83%Osaka ProtocolOSAK¥0.00000260915.33%Baby ElonBABYELON¥0.00000000012316.35%L7LSD¥53.146.17%Niza GlobalNIZA¥0.0747414.04%Pepe 2.0PEPE2.0¥0.00000051835.05%MinuMINU¥0.0000051024.95%Script NetworkSCPT¥0.334427.90%beobleBBL¥1.6319.42%BitcoinBTC¥501,034.911.54%Bonk 2.0BONK2.0¥0.000000433643.98%ArtyfactARTY¥12.443.62%Shiba InuSHIB¥0.00024053.78%ATOR ProtocolATOR¥19.6923.85%EthereumETH¥28,195.810.27%全球 价格DOGE/USDUnited States Dollar$0.1725DOGE/CNYChinese Yuan¥1.24大家还在看$10,091.742.07%Ethereum$3,920.490.18%Origin Protocol$0.23420.88%Bella Protocol$0.90384.58%Band Protocol$2.630.93%Uniswap$14.122.20%Solar$0.49382.60%MimbleWimbleCoin$9.438.13%Aavegotchi$1.21.75%Blocery$0.00724718.55%热门Pepe$0.0000084474.89%Childrens Aid Foundation$0.402521.23%FLOKI$0.000226510.49%Digiverse$1.1236.37%Shiba Inu$0.000033473.56%Dogecoin实时行情Dogecoin 今日价格 为 ¥1.24 CNY,其 24 小时的交易量为 ¥24,274,077,051 CNY。 我们会实时更新DOGE兑换为CNY的价格。 Dogecoin 在过去 24 小时内下跌了 0.14。 目前的 CoinMarketCap 排名为第 #9 位,其市值为 ¥177,805,965,610 CNY。 其流通供给量为 143,411,296,384 DOGE 个货币 目前无法提供供给量上限信息。目前 Dogecoin 交易量最大的平台为 Binance, BlueBit, OKX, LBank, 和 。 您可以在我们的 查找其他上市资产。加密货币货币Dogecoin产品CMC LabsChatGPT PluginCrypto API加密货币指数网站涂鸦站点地图广告公司关于我们服务协议隐私政策Cookie preferencesCookie 政策社区规则免责声明方法论加入我们招聘中!支持申请表联系我们常见问题解答词汇表社交媒体X (Twitter)社区TelegramInstagramFacebookRedditTelegram© 2024 CoinMarketCap. All rights reserved

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Dogecoin(DOGE)实时行情,Dogecoin(DOGE)的流通市值,24h成交额,图表以及简介 | CoinCarp

coin(DOGE)实时行情,Dogecoin(DOGE)的流通市值,24h成交额,图表以及简介 | CoinCarp虚拟币: 28,182 交易所: 643 流通市值: $28,313亿 24h成交额: $1,067亿 占比: BTC 48.3% ETH 16.8% ETH Gas: 82Gwei App下载 简体中文 热门语种EnglishEN 简体中文ZH TürkçeTR РусскийRU Tiếng ViệtVI全部语种EnglishEN TürkçeTR РусскийRU EspañolES Português BrasilPT-BR DeutschDE FrançaisFR 한국어KO Tiếng ViệtVI 日本語JA 简体中文ZH 繁體中文ZH-TW USD 选择法币/加密货币 法币虚拟币没有结果 ""找不到符合您搜索条件的任何内容。 请使用其他关键词再试一次。 行情 市值排行钱包新币上架交易所资金流向全局走势排行榜涨跌幅排行榜 交易所 所有现货衍生品DEX交易所 资讯 文章快讯比特币山寨币公告教程在哪里购买 IDO/ICO 即将启动正在进行已经结束Launchpad排行榜 融资库 投融资事件融资项目库投资者及组合投融资分析 产品 日历CoinCarp AppEVM公链价格计算器网站小组件 Stake-200%BonAd 登 录 注 册 × 行情 市值排行钱包新币上架交易所资金流向全局走势排行榜涨跌幅排行榜 交易所 所有现货衍生品DEX交易所 资讯 New 文章快讯比特币山寨币公告教程在哪里购买 IDO/ICO New 即将启动正在进行已经结束Launchpad排行榜 融资库 投融资事件融资项目库投资者及组合投融资分析 产品 日历CoinCarp AppEVM公链价格计算器网站小组件创建账号 登录简体中文English Türkçe Русский Español Português Brasil Deutsch Français 한국어 Tiếng Việt 日本語 简体中文 繁體中文USD 取消选择 × 法币虚拟币没有结果 ""找不到符合您搜索条件的任何内容。 请使用其他关键词再试一次。加密货币狗狗币狗狗币DOGE Rank #10 Coin 评级: 4.6 Certik 2023/11/274.4 Cyberscope 2024/01/084.8 我们的综合评级只是对各个来源的评级进行了算术平均。它不反映 CoinCarp 的观点,也不意味着我们对项目的优劣或适用性有任何保证。请在考察每个代币时,根据自己的判断做出决定。dogecoin.com区块浏览器 源代码 标签:Memes概念POW币安智能链(BSC)Robinhood 上线狗狗币概念合约: BNB Chain(BEP20):0xba2a...c744c43 审计:FairyproofDogecoin 链接 × 网站dogecoin.com区块链浏览器 bscscan.com社区源代码地址Dogecoin 标签 × PropertyMemes概念 POW 币安智能链(BSC) Robinhood 上线 狗狗币概念狗狗币 价格 (DOGE) $0.1726 1.76%0.00000248 BTC3.74%最低价:$0.1672最高价:$0.184624小时24小时 最低 / 最高7天 最低 / 最高30天 最低 / 最高StakePlay做多/做空赚币市值 $24,752,608,525356,081 BTC完全释放后市值 $24,752,608,525356,081 BTC成交额 24小时 $2,738,147,68239,390 BTC流通量 143,410,246,384 DOGE最大发行量 --总发行量 143,410,246,384 DOGE展开链接:网站, 区块链浏览器 标签:Memes概念 POW 合约: BNB Chain(BEP20):0xba2a...c744c43 狗狗币 DOGE$0.1726 1.76%简况 行情 持币排行 历史数据 资讯 交易所钱包 社交 钱包分享分享到 Twitter 分享到 Facebook 分享到 Telegram 分享到 Reddit狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格走势图价格 流通市值 Candle Chart 1天 7天 1个月 3个月 6个月 1年 今年 所有Loading DataLoading Data× USD BTC 狗狗币 (DOGE) 投资回报率1.59% 1小时-1.76% 24小时12.43% 7天111.85% 1个月180.52% 6个月164.60% 1年详情特征是否可挖矿 是算法 Scrypt共识机制 PoW发行价格 $0.000559展开狗狗币 (DOGE)行情狗狗币 (DOGE) 最新的价格是 $0.1726,24 小时的交易量是$2,738,147,682. DOGE的价格在过去 24 小时内下跌了-1.76%。Dogecoin的流通量为:1,434.1亿 DOGE,最大供应量:无限量,总供应量:1,434.1亿,流通市值为:$24,752,608,525。 若需要查看狗狗币 (DOGE)区块链链上数据,有如下几款Dogecoin (DOGE)区块浏览器可供选择:dogechain.infoblockchair.comdoge.tokenview.iobscscan.com狗狗币(Dogecoin)是什么?狗狗币(Dogecoin)是一种基于狗狗模因的开源的点对点的去中心化加密货币,受到全球柴犬的青睐。由俄勒冈州波特兰市的Billy Markus 和澳大利亚悉尼市的 Jackson Palmer创建的狗狗币没有预挖,分发公平,慈善、打赏文化深得人心,用户发展惊人迅速。狗狗币的诞生背景诞生于2013年12月12日,狗币是基于Scrypt算法,交易过程比比特币更加便捷,狗币一个确认时间只要1分钟,BTC要10分钟,而且狗狗的数量更多,价格低廉,转账讯速度,适合网络打赏等,更方便大众的心理需求,使得更方便平民化的发展。狗狗币的核心文化小费文化慈善文化草根文化狗币应用Facebook通过狗币消费应用程序 两款打赏应用软件已经获得了Facebook的上线允许。这两款应用分别是Doge Tipping App和Multicoin Tipping App,前者仅限使用狗币,后者包括狗币在内的14种山寨币,可以对Facebook 上的评论给予打赏。这已经不是电子货币第一次出现在Facebook了,但是这确是专门的打赏服务软件首次登录这一平台。Twitch接受狗币 2014年10月22日消息,面向视频游戏的实时流媒体视频平台Twitch在其官方twitter上宣布,该公司已经接受狗币(dogecoin)作为其支付订阅方式。值得注意的是,Twitch这家公司成功以9.7亿美元的价格被亚马逊收购,成为亚马逊史上的最大一笔收购。Twitch成立于2011年6月,主要为游戏玩家提供流媒体实时视频直播服务。Twitch表示,该公司拥有超过5500万人次的月活跃用户数。狗币高中电子竞技联赛 美国高中电子竞技联赛的第一场比赛(HSEL)将有50k的狗币作为奖金。联赛选择的游戏是《 League of Legends》(国内被译为‘英雄联盟’),这是一个非常受欢迎的免费在线游戏。更重要的是,你可以在twitch.tv上关注这个比赛的实况!44.6万美元融资 狗币(dogecoin)流行打赏工具dogetipbot,其团队已在种子轮中筹集到了近44.6万美元。本轮融资由黑鸟风险投资公司(Blackbird Ventures)领投,这是一家总部位于悉尼的风投集团,其他投资者包括天使投资人Scott和Cyan Banister。据悉,Dogetipbot是一种可以让用户们进行狗币小额打赏的工具,该打赏工具支持了Reddit,Twitter以及Twitch这几大平台。国际支付平台GoCoin宣布计划支持dogecoin 此举意味着使用该平台商家能够接受狗币支付,GoCoin已经支持比特币和litecoin。GoCoin创始人兼CEO史蒂夫·博勒加德表示: “我们已经仔细观察了所有的最新altcoins,选择dogecoin出来作为一个可行的货币款项,在很大程度上,来源于其社会的力量。“通过集成dogecoin到我们的平台,GoCoin更近了一步让商家接受任何数字货币,增加销售与扩展新顾客的能力。”美国Xidax公司成首家支持狗币支付企业 据美国《福布斯》网站报道,美国犹他州盐湖城的高级个人电脑生成器公司Xidax,成为第一个把狗币(Dogecoin)作为支付货币的生成器公司。由于该公司此前的比特币支付大获成功,在狗币用户的请求之下,Xidax的狗币支付也应用而生。 大型礼品卡兑换网站支持DOGECOIN购买 随着越来越多的电子商务网站提供狗币购买购物卡的支持,大型礼品卡兑换网站EGIFTER.COM也开始支持DOGECOIN购买礼品卡。“一天不接触”无国界医生狗币游戏募捐 这是一个以团结而进行的筹款挑战(类似于小游戏募捐)。将筹集足够的资金来帮助无国界医生组织(MSF)治疗埃博拉病毒的受害者,并提高西非人的生活。CheapAir宣布接受狗币预订航班 2014年9月4号,CheapAir宣布继接受比特币预订航班以及火车票后,又宣布接受了狗币以及莱特币预订航班。CheapAir透露网站自添加比特币付款方式以来,已经完成了150万美元的比特币总销售额。狗币打赏应用神器“币推” 伴随着英文打赏神器dogetipbot的出现,国产打赏应用软件开发也不甘落后,日前一款名为币推的打赏神器一出生就很快在施币圈中流行开来,只要看到自己喜欢的评论,喜欢的明星,喜欢的微博主,都可以通过币推神器直接打赏对方,整个施币圈都沉浸在互相打赏取乐的欢快氛围中。狗狗币有数量上限吗?从现在起到未来的一百年时间,狗狗币都会像绝大多数其他加密货币一样运作。那些“数量有上限“的资产在可预见的未来,也会像狗狗币一样不断的增加供应数量,远没到开采完的时候。 狗狗币的供应不是无限的,它就像其他货币一样,发行的数量在每个区块,包括每天、每年都是有绝对数值限制的。唯一的区别其实是狗狗的发行时间没有结束的时候。因此,狗狗币的数量在“无穷的时间”里是“无限的”,在有限的时间内,它的发行量其实是有限的。 为了维护区块链网络的安全,狗狗币网络会持续向矿工发放狗狗币奖励。其他区块链,比如比特币,理论上将会在2140年完全停止向矿工发放比特币奖励。如果到时候比 … 狗狗币有没有开发者?噢,不是的,狗狗币一直都有开发者! 狗狗币一直以来的目标都是成为货币。狗狗币最初来源于幸运币,幸运币来源于莱特币。Billy Markus和Jackson Palmer一起创建了狗狗币,Billy Markus独自开发了狗狗币的第一个版本。2014年,Billy和Jackson离开了狗狗币的开发工作,随后一个新的开发团队就组建了起来。多年来,狗狗币开发团队由40多名互相协作的贡献者组成。 从2015年的狗狗币1.10.0开始,狗狗币开发团队决定从比特币中重新分叉出狗狗币,在比特币的代码库之上重新实现莱特币的一些更改。因此,从历史上看,狗狗币继承自比特币功 …狗狗币有路线图吗?虽然“路线图”是新加密货币发布时常用的术语,但它也传达了由单个“公司”或“首席开发人员”领导的严格的前进方向。狗狗币是一个社区驱动、基于共识的开源项目,其方向是由狗狗币区块链和生态系统各个项目的许多个人和组织贡献者形成的。狗狗币的方向是由社区认为最能塑造其方向的许多项目铺平的。这是非常有意为之的:重要的是,狗狗币仍然是一个由牧羊人而不是统治者组成的去中心化项目,统治者的项目和贡献的好坏取决于其优点。狗狗币核心软件位于这个生态系统的中心。开发发生在 狗狗币核心 Github 存储库中。狗狗币核心项目页面充当狗狗币核心技术开发的跟踪器。为了就狗狗币核心的开发达成共识,社区通常依赖狗狗币开发 Reddit 社区和 狗狗币核心 Github 存储库的讨论页面。但是狗狗币基金会呢,他们没有“路线图”吗?狗狗币基金会与狗狗币社区中的任何个人或团体都参与相同的基于共识的参与过程。狗狗币基金会维护着一个 Trailmap,其中包括基金会致力于开发并认为有利于狗狗币成功的项目。狗狗币有总量限制吗?没有!狗狗币的通货膨胀率是不断走低的,因为它每年固定发行50亿枚。这也就是说,狗狗币每年增加的数量是以一种可预测的方式,相比总供应量的比例是逐年下降的,这一特性使得狗狗币有望成为货币的完美选择。狗狗币不是被设计来做囤积的,被囤积是加密货币无法像真实的货币一样被广泛使用的主要障碍,狗狗币将比其他加密货币在经济生活中更实际、更有用,因为其他加密货币至今都很少被消费使用起来。狗狗币 (DOGE) 社交联系方式FaceBook:狗狗币 (DOGE)合约地址BNB Chain(BEP20): 0xba2ae424d960c26247dd6c32edc70b295c744c43阅读全文狗狗币常见问题1 狗狗币等于多少人民币? 今日狗狗币兑换人民币的汇率为: 1狗狗币=1.24人民币,我们实时更新Dogecoin (DOGE)的人民币价格,同时也支持查看全球不同加密货币交易所的Dogecoin (DOGE)实时价格。狗狗币最高的时候是多少钱一枚? Dogecoin (DOGE)历史最高价为:0.7503美元,发生在2021-05-08,CoinCarp记录了狗狗币每一天的OHLC行情数据,点击查看更多Dogecoin (DOGE)的历史价格数据买狗狗币哪个平台好? 你可以从加密货币交易所(CEX或DEX)或一些加密货币钱包购买Dogecoin (DOGE)币。通常我们选择在加密货币交易所购买,大多数交易所要求你在购买Dogecoin (DOGE)币之前建立一个账户并验证你的身份。目前支持狗狗币交易的加密货币交易所主要有: BinanceCoinbaseBybitKuCoinOKX(OKEx)以上列出的交易所可能存在错误。请在交易前检查币种名称、简称、Logo或合约地址,以避免损失。如果有任何错误,请反馈给我们,我们的邮箱是。请注意,买卖狗狗币涉及高风险。你一定要自己做研究 (也称为DYOR),并确保你在开始交易之前充分了解狗狗币的真实情况,避免上当受骗。Dogecoin (DOGE)值得长期持有吗? 这取决于你的个人风险承受能力和投资目标。 狗狗币是一种加密货币,具有高度的波动性,因此可能不适合所有投资者。在投资之前,请自行学习了解加密货币、加密钱包、加密货币交易所和智能合约等基础知识,并充分了解投资加密货币的风险和潜在回报是至关重要的。 如果你决定参与狗狗币投资或是长期投资,你还需要深入了解狗狗币项目的白皮书,团队背景,tokenomics,以及当前整体的市场环境。参与狗狗币投资的主要方式是包括现货,合约或ETF杠杆交易或是质押等几种形式。但长期持Dogecoin (DOGE)总体来说风险很大,不建议非专业人士参与。哪些平台可以做空Dogecoin (DOGE)? 做空是风险对冲手段,风险巨大,请谨慎做空。做空 Dogecoin (DOGE) 的最简单方法是通过保证金交易,通常使用永续合约、期货合约、ETF/杠杆。 要开始做空Dogecoin,需要在支持做空的交易所开一个保证金账户,同时需要做身份认证,然后需要持仓 狗狗币 或USDT,即为你的空头头寸提供一些抵押品(币本位或U本位)。请记住,做空 Dogecoin 或任何其他加密货币是高风险的。目前支持做空狗狗币的交易所有:BinanceKrakenBybitKuCoinOKX(OKEx)本站的任何数据,文字以及其他内容均来自市场行情信息,不作为任何投资建议。狗狗币 DOGEUSD US DollarDOGE 价格统计狗狗币 今日行情狗狗币 价格 $0.1726价格变动24小时$-0.003092 1.76%24h 最低价/24h 最高价$0.1672 / $0.184624h成交额$2,738,147,682交易量/市值(24小时)11.06%市场占有率0.87%市场排名#10狗狗币 市值市值$24,752,608,525完全释放后的市值$24,752,608,525狗狗币 历史价格7天最低价/7天最高价$0.1252 / $0.205830天最低价/30天最高价 $0.0795 / $0.205890天最低价/90天最高价$0.0743 / $0.205852周最低价/52周最高价$0.0567 / $0.2058历史最高价$0.7503历史最低价 $0.00008547展开狗狗币 (DOGE) 事件 协议发布新版本Dogecoin Core 1.14.6 981.14.6 版本提高了网络的效率,同时也带来了重要的安全更新产品发布 所有特斯拉商品都可以用狗狗币购买 227特斯拉首席执行官Elon Musk周五在推特上宣布,所有特斯拉商品都可以用狗狗币购买合作热门币种迎新福利最高可获 30,000 USDT!立即注册 赞 助 GalaGALA$0.082647.65% SPACE IDID$1.133.82% Yield Guild GamesYGG$1.1626.44% ETHPoWETHW$4.9120.27% 0x协议ZRX$0.792539.92%CoinCarp 提供加密货币行情、分析、资讯和图表。我们努力成为全球领先的加密货币市场数据提供商。 电报中文机器人 CoinCarp 中文社区关于CoinCarp 关于我们 使用条款 隐私政策 免责声明价格行情 比特币行情 以太坊行情 币安币行情 狗狗币行情支持 广告合作 收录申请 联系支持 常见问题捐赠我们BitcoinETH&USDT(ERC20)USDT(TRC20)© 2024 版权所有 为了给您提供良好的网站访问体验,我们将使用cookie来分析站点流量、个性化信息及广告目的。如想了解更多关于我们对cookies的使用说明,请阅读我们的 隐私政策 。如您继续使用该站点,将表明您授权同意我们使用cookies。 × ×

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Dogecoin (DOGE) 價格、圖表、市值及其他指標 | CoinMarketCap

coin (DOGE) 價格、圖表、市值及其他指標 | CoinMarketCap加密貨幣: 2.2M+交易所: 723市值: $2.61T0.29%24小時交易量: $104.55B19.66%市佔率: 比特幣: 52.1% 以太幣: 17.9% ETH Gas: 62 Gwei Fear & Greed: 89/100加密貨幣加密貨幣排行類目全球走勢圖歷史記錄Bitcoin ETFsLeaderboards熱門近期新增贏家與輸家最多造訪NFTNFT 整體統計數字熱門收藏系列即將推出的銷售活動On Chain DataDEX 交易對Chain Ranking熱門 DEX 交易對交易所現貨衍生品DEX社群動態TopicsLives文章產品PRODUCTS匯率換算CMC LabsTelegram Bot廣告加密貨幣應用程式接口(API)網頁套件CAMPAIGNSAirdrops鑽石獎勵深入了解並賺取獎勵CALENDARSICO 行事曆活動行事曆學習新聞AcademyResearch影片詞彙庫減半:37 天後關注列表投資組合搜索/Dogecoin 價格 DOGENT$5.38  0.66% (1天)圖表:Dogecoin 到 TWD下載數據中...請稍候,我們正在載入圖表資料 新增至關注列表 Dogecoin 統計市值 0.67%NT$771,361,008,787#9交易量(24小時) 15.81%NT$107,701,237,587#7交易量/市值 (24 小時) 13.96%流通供給量 143,410,246,384 DOGE總供給量 143,410,246,384 DOGE最大供給量 ∞完全稀釋後市值 NT$771,361,008,787合約地址BNB Smart Chain (BEP20): 0xba2a...744c43 官方連結網站白皮書GitHub社群TwitterReddit聊天室評等  ·  根據 2 家機構的評價4.4   Audits  Fairyproof網路資訊區塊鏈瀏覽器支援的錢包UCID74  轉換器:DOGE 到 TWDDOGETWD價格表現24小時 最低價NT$5.29最高價NT$5.80歷史高點May 08, 2021 (3 years ago)NT$23.18-76.79%歷史低點May 07, 2015 (9 years ago)NT$0.002686+200147.06%檢視過往資料人氣在觀察名單內1,838,543x71st / 9.0K標籤MineablePoWScrypt看全部進一步資訊你是這個專案的擁有者嗎? 更新代幣資訊 下載數據中...請稍候,我們正在載入圖表資料 Dogecoin community          Dogecoin markets全部CEXDEX現貨永續合約期貨所有交易對下載中...Show full width免責聲明:本頁可能內含聯盟行銷連結。如果你前往造訪這類連結,並且在這些聯盟行銷平台上進行如註冊或交易等動作,CoinMarketCap 將可能獲得報酬。請參閱聯盟行銷關係揭露。Dogecoin 則新聞                    關於Dogecoin狗狗幣 (Dogecoin) 是什麼?Dogecoin (DOGE) 是基於網路上一個熱門的「狗狗」(doge) 迷因,用一隻柴犬當作標誌。這種開源的數位貨幣由位於美國奧勒岡州波特蘭的 Billy Markus 和位於澳洲雪梨的 Jackson Palmer 創辦,在 2013 年 12 月從萊特幣分支出來。狗狗幣的創造者設想,這是一種輕鬆有趣的加密貨幣,因為用了狗狗迷因的哏,應該能夠比比特幣的核心受眾得到更多人的喜愛。Tesla 執行長 Elon Musk 在 Twitter 上多次貼文,說狗狗幣是他最喜歡的代幣。如何挖掘狗狗幣?狗狗幣在許多面向都與比特幣的工作量證明協定不同,其中之一是使用 Scrypt 技術。這種代幣每分鐘産生一個區塊,總供給量無上限,也就是說可以挖掘出來的狗狗幣數量也沒有上限。你可以自己挖掘狗狗幣,或是加入礦池。狗狗幣礦工可使用 Windows、Mac、Linux 電腦挖礦,也可以加上 GPU 來挖。自 2014 年起,你也可以在同一個程式中同時挖掘狗狗幣和萊特幣,因為挖礦程序已經合而為一。狗狗幣有什麼用?狗狗幣主要的用途,是在 Reddit 和 Twitter 中當做打賞工具,贊助優質内容的創作與分享。想要得到狗狗幣打賞,可以加入一個使用該數位貨幣的社群,或是從狗狗幣水龍頭中取得。所謂狗狗幣水龍頭,是指一種可以免費給你少量狗狗幣當做入門之用,讓你可以開始與狗狗幣社群互動的網站。可在何處購買狗狗幣?在任何支援這種數位貨幣的交易所,都可以買賣狗狗幣;你也可以把狗狗幣存放在交易所或狗狗幣錢包内,並且在任何支援狗狗幣的社群,用狗狗幣來打賞。可交易這種加密貨幣的交易所與交易對最新列表,請點閱市場交易對標籤。          Dogecoin 分析加載中...Popular Tokens on the Dogechain(EVM) ChainDoge Eat DogeOMNOMNT$0.0000017127.08%Wrapped WDOGEWWDOGENT$5.503.19%dogiDOGINT$126.161.60%最常造訪加密貨幣CatgirlCATGIRLNT$0.0000000353156.15%TABOO TOKENTABOONT$0.090718.22%EggdogEGGNT$0.248520.91%RichQUACK.comQUACKNT$0.000000042775.06%OpSecOPSECNT$61.7011.40%MAGATRUMPNT$252.8812.54%Osaka ProtocolOSAKNT$0.0000115114.54%Baby ElonBABYELONNT$0.00000000051959.46%L7LSDNT$232.925.32%Niza GlobalNIZANT$0.330213.38%Pepe 2.0PEPE2.0NT$0.0000022694.53%MinuMINUNT$0.000022941.03%Script NetworkSCPTNT$1.2813.59%beobleBBLNT$7.5112.88%BitcoinBTCNT$2,180,954.611.29%Bonk 2.0BONK2.0NT$0.00000195234.60%ArtyfactARTYNT$55.360.72%Shiba InuSHIBNT$0.0010414.56%ATOR ProtocolATORNT$83.1918.89%EthereumETHNT$122,648.700.71%全球 價格DOGE/USDUnited States Dollar$0.1712DOGE/TWDNew Taiwan DollarNT$5.38大家都在看$9,976.793.51%Ethereum$3,894.650.88%Origin Protocol$0.22914.26%Bella Protocol$0.89514.28%Band Protocol$2.581.23%Uniswap$13.833.19%Solar$0.48943.25%MimbleWimbleCoin$9.417.61%Aavegotchi$1.21.75%Blocery$0.006215.02%熱門Pepe$0.0000083156.66%Childrens Aid Foundation$0.404621.29%FLOKI$0.00022510.35%Digiverse$1.1538.94%Shiba Inu$0.000033094.88%Dogecoin 即時價格資訊Dogecoin 今日價格 為 NT$5.38 TWD ,24 小時交易量為 NT$107,701,237,587 TWD 。 DOGE 到 TWD 價格為即時更新。 Dogecoin 在過去 24 小時內上漲了 0.66 。 目前在 CoinMarketCap 的排名為 #9,市值為 NT$771,361,008,787 TWD 。 流通供給量為 143,410,246,384 DOGE 單位 與未提供最大流通供給量。交易 Dogecoin 的最大交易所目前為 Binance, BlueBit, OKX, LBank, 與 。 您可以在我們的 查看其它交易所。加密貨幣貨幣Dogecoin產品CMC LabsChatGPT Plugin加密貨幣應用程式接口(API)加密貨幣指數塗鴉網站地圖廣告公司關於我們使用條款隱私政策Cookie preferencesCookie 政策社群守則免責聲明計算方法指南徵才招募中!客戶服務聯繫我們聯絡客服常見問題解答詞彙庫社群X (Twitter)社群TelegramInstagram臉書Reddit領英© 2024 CoinMarketCap. All rights reserved

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price, Real-time Quote & News - Google Finance

coin (DOGE) Price, Real-time Quote & News - Google FinanceFinanceSign inFinanceFinancefinance_modeHomemanage_searchMarket trendsPortfoliosaddCreate portfolioWatchlistsaddCreate watchlistsettingsSettingsfeedbackSend feedbackMarketsUSEuropeAsiaCurrenciesCryptoFuturesNikkei 22539,688.94+0.23%+90.23Nikkei 22539,688.940.23%SSE3,046.02+0.61%+18.62SSE3,046.020.61%HSI16,353.39+0.76%+123.61HSI16,353.390.76%SENSEX74,119.39+0.045%+33.40SENSEX74,119.390.045%NIFTY 5022,493.55+0.087%+19.50NIFTY 5022,493.550.087%HomeDOGE / USD • CryptocurrencyDogecoin to United States DollarFollowShare0.1727Mar 10, 4:25:20 PM UTC · Disclaimer1D5D1M6MYTD1Y5YMAXinsightsKey eventsKey events shows relevant news articles on days with large price movementsKey eventsKey events shows relevant news articles on days with large price movementsKey eventsarrow_forward_iosKey events shows relevant news articles on days with large price movementsNo dataclosesearchCompare toBitcoin (BTC / USD)69,614.10BTC1.66%Ether (ETH / USD)3,913.88ETH0.0084%Litecoin (LTC / USD)88.35LTC2.76%Cardano (ADA / USD)0.7230ADA2.73%S&P 5005,123.69.INX0.65%Binance Coin (BNB / USD)526.1893BNB7.57%XRP (XRP / USD)0.6136XRP1.23%ChainLink (LINK / USD)19.7510LINK1.33%Lumens (XLM / USD)0.1407XLM1.38%In the newsThe Daily Hodl15 hours agoTop Meme Asset Dogecoin (DOGE) Could Skyrocket to $1, According to Crypto

Analyst – Here’s the TimelineU.Today1 day agoDogecoin (DOGE) Community Gets Warning, What It PertainsCoinpedia1 day agoDogecoin To Moon: DOGE Price To Rally 10x By Mid-AprilWatcher Guru23 hours agoForbes Calls Shiba Inu Among the 10 Best Cryptocurrencies To InvestCryptonews3 days agoDogecoin Price Prediction as DOGE Bulls Hold $0.15 Level – $1 Incoming?CoinDesk4 days agoCoinDesk 20 Hits Record as SHIB and DOGE Soar: CoinDesk Indices Market

UpdatepaidExchange RateValue of the base currency compared to the quote currencycopyrightCryptocurrencyA digital asset maintained by a decentralized system that records and verifies transactions using cryptographyPrevious closeThe last closing price0.18About DogecoinDogecoin is a cryptocurrency created by software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, who decided to create a payment system as a joke, making fun of the wild speculation in cryptocurrencies at the time. It is considered both the first "meme coin", and more specifically the first "dog coin". Despite its satirical nature, some consider it a legitimate investment prospect. Dogecoin features the face of the Shiba Inu dog from the "doge" meme as its logo and namesake. It was introduced on December 6, 2013, and quickly developed its own online community, reaching a peak market capitalization of over US$85 billion on May 5, 2021. As of 2021, it is the sleeve sponsor of Watford Football Club. promotes the currency as the "fun and friendly Internet currency", referencing its origins as a "joke". Software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer launched the satirical cryptocurrency as a way to make fun of Bitcoin and the many other cryptocurrencies boasting grand plans to take over the world. With the help of Reddit, the site became an instant hit. WikipediaAbout United States DollarThe United States dollar is the official currency of the United States and several other countries. The Coinage Act of 1792 introduced the U.S. dollar at par with the Spanish silver dollar, divided it into 100 cents, and authorized the minting of coins denominated in dollars and cents. U.S. banknotes are issued in the form of Federal Reserve Notes, popularly called greenbacks due to their predominantly green color.

The monetary policy of the United States is conducted by the Federal Reserve System, which acts as the nation's central bank.

The U.S. dollar was originally defined under a bimetallic standard of 371.25 grains fine silver or, from 1837, 23.22 grains fine gold, or $20.67 per troy ounce. The Gold Standard Act of 1900 linked the dollar solely to gold. From 1934, its equivalence to gold was revised to $35 per troy ounce. Since 1971, all links to gold have been repealed.

The U.S. dollar became an important international reserve currency after the First World War, and displaced the pound sterling as the world's primary reserve currency by the Bretton Woods Agreement towards the end of the Second World War. WikipediaDiscover moreYou may be interested ininfoThis list is generated from recent searches, followed securities, and other activity. Learn moreAll data and information is provided “as is” for personal informational purposes only, and is not intended to be financial advice nor is it for trading purposes or investment, tax, legal, accounting or other advice. Google is not an investment adviser nor is it a financial adviser and expresses no view, recommendation or opinion with respect to any of the companies included in this list or any securities issued by those companies. Please consult your broker or financial representative to verify pricing before executing any trades. Learn moreIndexS&P 5005,123.690.65%add_circle_outlineIndexDow Jones Industrial Average38,722.690.18%add_circle_outlinePHParker-Hannifin Corp$537.350.39%add_circle_outlineTELTE Connectivity Ltd$140.531.35%add_circle_outlineMRCMRC Global Inc$12.200.91%add_circle_outlineGLOClough Global Opportunities Fund$5.050.39%add_circle_outlineSMSM Energy Co$45.071.46%add_circle_outlineTSLATesla Inc$175.341.85%add_circle_outlineAAPLApple Inc$170.731.02%add_circle_outlineGOOGAlphabet Inc Class C$136.290.78%add_circle_outlineFFord Motor Co$12.181.85%add_circle_outlineMACMacerich Co$16.280.12%add_circle_outlineAPAmpco-Pittsburgh Corp$2.532.69%add_circle_outlineARAntero Resources Corp$26.650.64%add_circle_outlineFGENFibroGen Inc$1.800.56%add_circle_outlineMETAMeta Platforms Inc$505.951.22%add_circle_outlineBABAAlibaba Group Holding Ltd - ADR$73.551.39%add_circle_outlineNFLXNetflix Inc$604.820.61%add_circle_outlineHelpSend feedbackPrivacyTermsDisclaimerSearchClear searchClose searchGoogle appsMain m

Dogecoin 价格、新闻、费率 | CoinStats

coin 价格、新闻、费率 | CoinStatsEnglishDeutsch한국어 日本語EspañolFrançaisՀայերենNederlandsРусскийItalianoPortuguêsTürkçe投资组合跟踪工具掉期交易购买加密货币加密货币定价钱包新闻赚取博客NFT小工具CoinStats MidasDeFi投资组合跟踪器24小时报告新闻资料包API文档投资组合跟踪工具掉期交易购买加密货币加密货币定价登录开始

概述持仓市场新闻团队更新273.6K报告Rank #10Dogecoin 价格•DOGE$0.17282.21%฿0.000002490%273.6K报告Dogecoin 价格图表 (DOGE)价格TradingView24小时1周1个月3个月6个月1年全部USDBTCETH掉期交易支付选择货币 $0 接收选择货币 $0 Save on CoinStats FeesEnjoy 0% Fees with Premium转至 PremiumSelect Pay Coin市场统计Bull Market PricePREMIUM版本10000$37%市值$24,787,096,498.177完全摊薄估值$24,787,112,053.744流通总量143,410,956,384总供给量143,411,046,38424小时成交量$2,491,171,394.694Price Change (1小时)1.56%Price Change (24小时)2.21%Price Change (7天)23.14%All Time HighMay 8, 2021$0.7376.33%All Time LowMay 6, 2015$0199,118.72%Dogecoin 价格更新Dogecoin 价格是 $0.1728,在过去24小时内 向上 -2.21% ,实时市值是 $24,787,096,498.177。它有 供应量 143,411,046,384 DOGE 个币和最大供应量 143,411,046,384,以及 $2,491,171,394.694 24小时交易量。说明保存加密货币转换器DOGE持仓关于 Dogecoindogecoin.com探索者社区

What Is Dogecoin 

Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency that was developed as a "meme" based on a Litecoin fork, originally created in 2013 and later abandoned by the developers. It was developed when its developers began to explore Bitcoin as well as the possibilities that the cryptocurrency world offers.

However, due to the fact that they saw more and more altcoins pop up just about everywhere, the developers known as Jackson Palmer and Billy Markus decided that they would like to implement their own unique spin on the industry.

As such, Dogecoin began as a joke and had almost no value. It was used as a tipping mechanism for multiple years. It has a strong following to this very day and a fan base that does not stop supporting it. It is a Proof-of-Work (PoW) cryptocurrency, and it has had enormous swings in value based on factors such as social media presence and headline attention.

Dogecoin is fully based on the code of the defunct Litecoin (LTC) fork known as Luckycoin.

It borrowed the scrypt-based, proof-of-work (PoW) consensus algorithm, which is how it enforces the consensus from the network of computers which run the software.

This means that anyone has the ability to dedicate computer power and become a validator on the dogecoin network, and engage in mining. In exchange for contributing this much work to the network, they are rewarded with newly minted DOGE tokens.

However, in 2014, merged mining was introduced, which means that this mining process was integrated alongside Litecoin's process, and anyone that mined Litecoin now had the opportunity to mine Dogecoin at the same time, all of which is made possible without impacting the operational efficiency of either network or blockchain.

Dogecoin Founders

Dogecoin was launched in December of 2013 by two people: Jackson Palmer and Billy Markus. 

However, the unique story here is the fact that both of them left in 2015 after deciding that the cryptocurrency was not aligned with their values. It simply became something else over time.

Furthermore, the Dogecoin cryptocurrency gets its name from the Doge internet meme, and it originally was intended to mock the cryptocurrency industry.

How Does DOGE Work

Dogecoin is used in online commerce and has been primarily used as a means for tipping online creators and rewarding them for their work. It has an exchange rate and can be bought, traded, sold, and even exchanged for FIAT currency.

When it comes to its community, it's big, and it even goes by the name of "Shibes." They use cryptocurrency as a means of supporting their favorite creators. Dogecoin had this cap of 100 billion DOGE, which could ever be mined; however, it was removed and had, in turn, made a limitless supply available. It is an easy cryptocurrency to get into and an easy one to mine. As such, many newcomer investors tend to jump in on it quickly.

Dogecoin offers fast transactions as well as low transaction fees, which contributed towards its widespread adoption. Furthermore, its limitless supply keeps the price stable, and it has one of the largest communities with over 2.1 million followers on its Reddit page.

Furthermore, Dogecoin is mined through the sage of the Proof-of-work (PoW) hashing algorithm known as Scrypt, which was based on Litecoin, and is much easier to mine than Bitcoin.

Furthermore, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has supported the cryptocurrency token on the social media platform Twitter, raising its price, and due to this enhancement in perception, a lot of investors have started to gain interest in this altcoin. This has led a lot of people to accept the token, and furthermore, news has also contributed to its growth and implementation in apps as well as reliance.

It was created and accepted as a joke, but the news, as well as Bitcoin's dominance, has led to an enhancement in the token's reliance and reputation and created a plethora of followers.


The more apps that accept the token, the higher the Dogecoin price goes as a result. In fact, the Dogecoin price has claimed a lot in its recent history, and it has fallen, making it volatile. Unlike Bitcoin, it is easier to mine, and unlike Bitcoin, its followers are a lot more enthusiastic about it and accept it.

Once news started popping up about the token, or Bitcoin as well, its price went up as a result. This leads us to the conclusion that the token is heavily impacted by the news.

Bitcoin is the dominant cryptocurrency here, but Bitcoin is harder to mine and a lot more expensive, and this is where Dogecoin gains its value.

Where Can You Buy DOGE

The Dogecoin community consistently pushes its market capitalization "to the moon," and as such, it has found its place in the Crypto Market.

Just like any other cryptocurrency, Dogecoin has a floating exchange rate with other digital assets and can be bought, traded, and exchanged in the same way. However, aside from a form of investment, it is primarily used as a tipping mechanism over different social networks, and it is exchanged between content creators and their peers.

If you want to buy, sell or trade Dogecoin, you can do so on many cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, Binance Futures, Upbit, BitZ, OKEx, HuobiGlobal, and Bitinka. Our step-by-step guide on how to Buy Dogecoin will help you get started!

Dogecoin (DOGE) is and always will be considered as a meme cryptocurrency token; however, what once began as a joke has slowly found its way into the market as a serious contender and has actually remained on top of many cryptocurrency lists right under the biggest cryptocurrencies ever made. It has one of the most enthusiastic communities out there, one that many altcoin developers dream of, and it has certainly made its impact throughout the entirety of the cryptocurrency industry.

Learn More About Dogecoin

How to Buy Dogecoin on Coinbase

How to Mine Dogecoin [Ultimate Guide]

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Dogecoin DOGE 价格的在线走势图。DOGE 市值,交易量和加密货币市场的其他实时与历史数据。2024年度的Dogecoin预测。 | COINCOST

Dogecoin DOGE 价格的在线走势图。DOGE 市值,交易量和加密货币市场的其他实时与历史数据。2024年度的Dogecoin预测。 | COINCOST

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COINCOST加密货币Dogecoin DOGE 价格

Dogecoin DOGE

Dogecoin DOGE 价格








已更新10.03.2024 19:26

Dogecoin (DOGE) 价格走势图买入/卖出开始交易该图显示的是:Dogecoin 价格动态(BTC, USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, NZD, HKD, SGD, PHP, ZAR, INR, MXN, CHF, CNY, RUB)。使用相应的按键查看当日的、一周的、一个月的、一年的,以及所有时间的DOGE价格变化。Dogecoin 计算器。将 DOGE 转换为 USD买入/卖出 DOGEDogecoin DOGEUS Dollar USDDogecoin(DOGE)的当前价格为 0.17313。 DOGE 在各种交易市场的24小时交易量为 3593430000。 在过去的一周中,Dogecoin 的价格增加了 23.6168%。 在过去的24小时里,加密货币的价格下降了 1.32288%。本网站上呈现的关于 Dogecoin(DOGE)价格及其他相关信息是从公开来源自动获取的。因此,我们不能保证其准确性。COINCOST 与加密货币 Dogecoin、其开发者或其代表无关。Dogecoin 价格0.000002483080.17313 24小时最低0.000002418660.16863924小时最高0.000002637070.18386724小时价格变动-1.32288%7天价格变动+23.6168%14天价格变动+100.873%30天价格变动+112.757%200天价格变动+171.41%1年价格变动+165.042%24小时交易量515383593430000市值3559742481990000024小时市值变动 227286000可用的货币数量 143411000000市值排名10Alexa Rank145564必应匹配5810000主页网址dogecoin.comTwitter@dogecoinBitcointalk361813Dogecoin Google 搜索趋势通过这个图,你可以根据用Google搜索它的人数来预测 Dogecoin DOGE 价格变化。

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开始交易未发现Čeština CSDeutsch DEΕλληνικά ELEnglish ENEspañol ESEesti ETFrançais FRहिन्दी HIHrvatski HRBahasa Indonesia IDItaliano IT日本語 JA한국어 KOLatviešu LVNederlands NLPolski PLPortuguês PTLimba Română ROРусский RUไทย THTürk TRУкраїнська UKTiếng Việt VI中文 ZH现在交易US Dollar USDEuro EURChinese Yuan CNYIndian Rupee INRRussian Ruble RUBArgentine Peso ARSAustralian Dollar AUDBoliviano BOBBrazilian Real BRLChilean Peso CLPColombian Peso COPCroatian Kuna HRKCuban Peso CUPDominican Peso DOPGuatemalan Quetzal GTQHong Kong Dollar HKDIndonesian Rupiah IDRJapanese Yen JPYMexican Peso MXNNew Taiwan Dollar TWDNew Zealand Dollar NZDNigerian Naira NGNPakistani Rupee PKRPeruvian Sol PENPhilippine Peso PHPPound Sterling GBPSingapore Dollar SGDSouth African Rand ZARSouth Korean Won KRWSwiss Franc CHFThai Baht THBTurkish Lira TRYUkrainian Hryvnia UAHVietnamese Đồng VND

Dogecoin price today, DOGE to USD live price, marketcap and chart | CoinMarketCap

coin price today, DOGE to USD live price, marketcap and chart | CoinMarketCapCryptos: 2.2M+Exchanges: 723Market Cap: $2.63T1.10%24h Vol: $105.27B8.31%Dominance: BTC: 52.1% ETH: 17.9% ETH Gas: 74 Gwei Fear & Greed: 89/100CryptocurrenciesCryptocurrenciesRankingCategoriesGlobal ChartsHistorical SnapshotsBitcoin ETFsLeaderboardsTrendingRecently AddedGainers & LosersMost VisitedNFTOverall NFT StatsTop CollectionsUpcoming SalesOn Chain DataDex PairsChain RankingHot DEX PairsExchangesSpotDerivativesDEXCommunityFeedsTopicsLivesArticlesProductsPRODUCTSConverterCMC LabsTelegram BotAdvertiseCrypto APISite WidgetsCAMPAIGNSAirdropsDiamond RewardsLearn & EarnCALENDARSICO CalendarEvents CalendarLearnNewsAcademyResearchVideosGlossaryHalving: 37DWatchlistPortfolioSearch/Dogecoin price DOGE$0.1725  0.14% (1d)Dogecoin to USD ChartLoading DataPlease wait a moment. Add to watchlist Dogecoin statisticsMarket cap 0.13%$24,744,418,165#9Volume (24h) 24.27%$3,378,108,890#7Volume/Market cap (24h) 13.65%Circulating supply 143,411,296,384 DOGETotal supply 143,411,296,384 DOGEMax. supply ∞Fully diluted market cap $24,744,418,165ContractsBNB Smart Chain (BEP20): 0xba2a...744c43 Official linksWebsiteWhitepaperGitHubSocialsTwitterRedditChatRating  ·  Based on 2 institutional ratings4.4   Audits  FairyproofNetwork informationChain explorersSupported walletsUCID74  DOGE to USD ConverterDOGEUSDPrice performance24h Low$0.1682High$0.1845All-time highMay 08, 2021 (3 years ago)$0.7376-76.61%All-time lowMay 07, 2015 (9 years ago)$0.00008547+201763.51%See historical dataPopularityIn watchlists1,838,630x71st / 9.0KTagsMineablePoWScryptShow allMore informationDo you own this project? Update Token Info Loading DataPlease wait a moment. Dogecoin community          Dogecoin marketsALLCEXDEXSpotPerpetualFuturesAll pairsLoading data...Show full widthDisclaimer: This page may contain affiliate links. CoinMarketCap may be compensated if you visit any affiliate links and you take certain actions such as signing up and transacting with these affiliate platforms. Please refer to Affiliate DisclosureDogecoin news                    About DogecoinWhat Is Dogecoin?Dogecoin (DOGE) is based on the popular "doge" Internet meme and features a Shiba Inu on its logo. The open-source digital currency was created by Billy Markus from Portland, Oregon and Jackson Palmer from Sydney, Australia, and was forked from Litecoin in December 2013. Dogecoin's creators envisaged it as a fun, light-hearted cryptocurrency that would have greater appeal beyond the core Bitcoin audience, since it was based on a dog meme. Tesla CEO Elon Musk posted several tweets on social media that Dogecoin is his favorite coin.How Do You Mine Dogecoin?Dogecoin differs from Bitcoin's proof-of-work protocol in several ways, one of which is by using Scrypt technology. The altcoin has also a block time of 1 minute, and the total supply is uncapped, which means that there is no limit to the number of Dogecoin that can be mined.

You can mine Dogecoin either solo, or by joining a mining pool. A Doge miner can mine the digital currency on Windows, Mac or Linux, and with a GPU. As of 2014, you can also mine Litecoin in the same process of mining Dogecoin, as the processes were merged.What Can Dogecoin Be Used For?Dogecoin has been used primarily as a tipping system on Reddit and Twitter to reward the creation or sharing of quality content. You can get tipped Dogecoin by participating in a community that uses the digital currency, or you can get your Dogecoin from a Dogecoin faucet. A Dogecoin faucet is a website that will give you a small amount of Dogecoin for free as an introduction to the currency, so that you can begin interacting in Dogecoin communities.How Can You Buy Dogecoin?You can sell or buy Dogecoin at any exchange that offers the digital currency, store it on an exchange or in a Dogecoin wallet, and tip Dogecoin in any communities that accept Dogecoin. For the latest list of exchanges and trading pairs for this cryptocurrency, click on our market pairs tab.What Is Dogecoin’s Libdogecoin?Weeks after the release of Dogecoin Core version 1.14.6, core developer Michi Lumin announced the launch of Libdogecoin, a C-library of the network’s building blocks.Libdogecoin would allow developers to build Dogecoin-compliant products “without needing to worry about the deeper specifics of the crypto functions.” This means that less technical members can easily design products that comply with Dogecoin standards.Since the update is a pure library, it will not provide a “runnable” node facility. However, Libdogecoin will support multiple languages, including Python, Node.js and Ruby.Elon Musk and DogecoinThe success of Dogecoin is closely intertwined with Elon Musk's passion for it. Musk began tweeting about Dogecoin in early 2021, sharing a Lion King DOGE meme. That kickstarted a furious DOGE rally — with temporary dips — that culminated in Musk's appearance on Saturday Night Live.After the SNL appearance, DOGE crashed despite Musk's promises to moon its price. In the following months, Musk seemed to lose interest, and the price of DOGE has tumbled over 70% from its all-time high. However, Musk still wields power over Dogecoin, as occasional tweets indicate.Dogecoin Foundation and Board of AdvisorsIn 2014, a not-for-profit foundation was formed by members of the Dogecoin team to provide support, advocacy, trademark protection and governance for the cryptocurrency project. However, the foundation was dissolved over time.After several years of being inactive, the foundation was relaunched in 2021 with a “renewed focus on supporting the Dogecoin Ecosystem, community and promoting the future of the Dogecoin Blockchain.” In addition to some of the original core team, the project now has some seasoned industry players as part of its board of advisors.According to the foundation’s website, members of the board will meet monthly to discuss issues relating to Dogecoin.In regards to its advisors, the group is made up of Dogecoin founder Billy Markus, the project’s core developer Max Keller, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin and Elon Musk as represented by the head of the Musk’s family office, Jared Birchall.Members of the Board of Advisors will function in various capacities. While Keller will serve as the project’s technical advisor, Markus will be in charge of the community and memes. Meanwhile, Buterin will function as the blockchain and crypto advisor for the foundation, and Birchall will represent Elon Musk as legal and financial advisor.As a first assignment, the Board of Advisors will be working to secure three-year funding that would allow it to employ a small, dedicated staff to work on Dogecoin full-time. Up until now, the work on the ecosystem has been done by volunteers.Companies That Accept DogecoinDue to its low transaction fees and constant patronage from Elon Musk, a number of traditional companies have moved to make Dogecoin a payment option.Here’s a list of some companies that currently accept Dogecoin payments:TeslaAMC TheatersGameStopairBalticDallas MavericksEasyDNSNeweggTwitch.          Dogecoin analyticsLoading...Popular Tokens on the Dogechain(EVM) ChainDoge Eat DogeOMNOM$0.000000054487.13%Wrapped WDOGEWWDOGE$0.17513.25%dogiDOGI$4.011.66%Most Visited CryptocurrenciesCatgirlCATGIRL$0.00000000107738.14%TABOO TOKENTABOO$0.00298319.57%EggdogEGG$0.00930311.32%RichQUACK.comQUACK$0.00000000143915.95%OpSecOPSEC$2.1417.75%MAGATRUMP$8.0212.44%Osaka ProtocolOSAK$0.000000363114.95%Baby ElonBABYELON$0.0000000000171216.87%L7LSD$7.405.76%Niza GlobalNIZA$0.010413.66%Pepe 2.0PEPE2.0$0.000000072134.62%MinuMINU$0.00000071014.52%Script NetworkSCPT$0.0465428.47%beobleBBL$0.226419.06%BitcoinBTC$69,726.672.00%Bonk 2.0BONK2.0$0.0000000603543.73%ArtyfactARTY$1.733.19%Shiba InuSHIB$0.000033473.35%ATOR ProtocolATOR$2.7424.40%EthereumETH$3,923.880.17%Global PricesDOGE/USDUnited States Dollar$0.1725DOGE/EUREuro€0.1577DOGE/GBPPound Sterling£0.1342DOGE/CNYChinese Yuan¥1.24DOGE/CADCanadian Dollar$0.2334DOGE/AUDAustralian Dollar$0.2597DOGE/JPYJapanese Yen¥25.37DOGE/KRWSouth Korean Won₩227.23DOGE/RUBRussian Ruble₽15.69DOGE/INRIndian Rupee₹14.28DOGE/BRLBrazilian RealR$0.8593DOGE/TRYTurkish Lira₺5.50DOGE/PHPPhilippine Peso₱9.58People also$10,091.742.07%Ethereum$3,920.490.18%Origin Protocol$0.23420.88%Bella Protocol$0.90384.58%Band Protocol$2.630.93%Uniswap$14.122.20%Solar$0.49382.60%MimbleWimbleCoin$9.438.13%Aavegotchi$1.21.75%Blocery$0.00724718.55%TrendingPepe$0.0000084474.89%Childrens Aid Foundation$0.402521.23%FLOKI$0.000226510.49%Digiverse$1.1236.37%Shiba Inu$0.000033473.56%Dogecoin Price Live DataThe live Dogecoin price today is $0.172542 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $3,378,108,890 USD. We update our DOGE to USD price in real-time. Dogecoin is down 0.14% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #9, with a live market cap of $24,744,418,165 USD. It has a circulating supply of 143,411,296,384 DOGE coins and the max. supply is not available.If you would like to know where to buy Dogecoin at the current rate, the top cryptocurrency exchanges for trading in Dogecoin stock are currently Binance, BlueBit, OKX, LBank, and Bybit. You can find others listed on our crypto exchanges page.CryptocurrenciesCoinsDogecoinProductsCMC LabsChatGPT PluginCrypto APICrypto IndicesDoodlesSitemapAdvertiseCompanyAbout usTerms of usePrivacy PolicyCookie preferencesCookie policyCommunity RulesDisclaimerMethodologyCareersWe’re hiring!SupportRequest FormContact SupportFAQGlossarySocialsX (Twitter)CommunityTelegramInstagramFacebookRedditLinkedIn© 2024 CoinMarketCap. All rights reserved